



I think I was the most excited about making these cookies for the party.  I ran across this video on YouTube and fell in love with the idea.  I ordered the molds online and you can see the results are fantastic.

You will want to make the paws first.  I did not have the same molds that the person in the video used.  I ordered my molds from Amazon.  I will leave links below.

I purchased the candy melts in the colors I wanted to use.  I just threw them in bowls and microwaved them as directed on the bag of melts.

I filled the mold about 2/3 of the way with the melted candy.  Place the cookies down into the mold. (My daughter wanted to use vanilla cookies)

Spoon more of the melted candy over the cookies.  

Once you have covered the top of the cookies, tap the candy mold gently on the counter to level and "settle" the candy melts.  

You will probably need to add more melted candy until it covers the cookie and is smooth on top.  

You can see that the yellow candy is smooth and blue still needs to be tapped down to smooth it out.

I then popped them in the freezer for about 15 minutes.  

Take them out of the mold.  Now you are ready to "glue" the paws on top of the candy cookies.  

I glued the on with a small amount of white frosting.  It only takes a small amount of melted candy.  If you use too much, it will seep out around the paws.

Here are links to the products used to make these candy covered cookies. I purchased the molds from Amazon but I purchased the candy from Walmart.  Amazon charges twice the price and Walmart will ship just as quickly or run to the store and pick them up yourself.

I can't do any better than this video which will walk you through the process.

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